Kim Anthony shibley
Pastor Kim has ministered the Gospel with his wife, Kayce, for over 35 years since graduating from Stevens School of the Bible in Lenox, Massachusetts. After serving four years in France, he began pastoring in Silver Spring in 2006. Kim travels broadly in the U.S. and internationally, representing Greater Grace as a speaker at Bible and missions conferences. You are welcome to join him on an e-bike ride or flying a drone.

Zeke Wharton
Pastor Zeke grew up in Silver Spring and has always called it home. A graduate of John F. Kennedy HS, he went to college nearby at the University of Maryland College Park. Go Terps! Pastor Zeke went on to earn master’s degrees from Johns Hopkins University and Trinity Theological Seminary, and he ran a private Christian school before church planting in 2013. He is now a certified financial coach, too.

Dwaine Bryant
Associate Pastor
Pastor Dwaine has been involved in evangelism for over 30 years since completing training at Miracle Living School of Ministry located in San Diego, CA. He has spent time as a missionary in the Philippines, served as a team member of The National Prayer Embassy in Washington, D.C., a member of the Christian Men's Network in Dallas, TX, and Promise Keepers of Colorado Springs, CO.

Shea watson
Youth Pastor
Pastor Shea and his wife, Michelle, have been married since 2017 and are co-hosts of the Pantry Podcast. He studies at Maryland Bible College & Seminary and was pivotal in developing our men's ministry before taking on our teen ministry.

Omar hipponia
Omar was an officer in the U.S. Navy and retired from there after 29 years. He and his family faithfully serve the church.
Madhav Rao
Madhav is the father of seven children, including 3 visually impaired kids adopted from China. If you need parenting advice, he is your go-to guy.
Maxwell Korang-Yeboah
Max is our newest elder, but he has been attending and serving at GGCC for many years.